Friday 28 May 2021

May 28: Matthew 9:1-8
Key Verse: Matthew 9:8
When the crowd saw this, they were filled with awe; and they praised God, who had given such authority to man.

This is the power God gave to Jesus while He was yet a human being walking amongst us; not just to heal people like this paralysed man, but to forgive their sins! When Jesus was going to return to the Father in heaven and bring the Holy Spirit to be with us, He wanted people to know they would have the power to ask for many things in His name and He would make it so!
This is similar to the promise God gave Jesus – to be able to ask for many things and have the surety God would answer and provide. God wants us to know He is listening to our prayers and when we ask for things in the name of Jesus – Jesus will take those prayers directly to God and plea on our behalf!
Now, there are going to be many people who will try to tell you prayers will not be answered for one reason or another. Many will claim we have been too naughty to receive and answers to our prayers. Many will claim God is no longer listening because the world is so corrupt. But I put it to you God is listening even closer because He can see how corrupt the world has become and He knows Jesus paid the ultimate price to cover our sins!
If we want to see the world become a better place, then we need to start by behaving like Jesus did. Not totally righteous and without sin, because we have already gone too far and have sinned before God, but by asking things of God through Jesus’ name and expecting a positive response! God wants to answer our prayers – but if we don’t believe He can or will answer, then why do we ask in the first place! Trust in what Jesus has done and lift up your prayers in expectation!
Points to Ponder:
What attitude do you have with your prayers?
Will you expect more from Christ today?

Thursday 27 May 2021

May 27: Mark 10:42-45
Key Verse: Mark 10:43
Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant
Jesus was very quick to point out the failings of mankind to the disciples, and quick to point out it was because of those failing that He had to go through everything He would have to! Pride and greed are just a couple of things which bring us down – when we sense the power we can gain from a position of authority or social stance, we tend to forget about justice and righteousness – choosing the ways of the world instead of God’s ways – and bringing everything down around our ankles!
God wants us to take notice of the things in our lives which will bring us down – they are not called temptations for nothing because they will tempt us away from the path God is trying to guide us on and they will cause us to falter and even fail!
Jesus used the state of the government to show them what was likely to bring down society and work against God. But it was not something the disciples recognised until it was too late and He had paid the ultimate price on the cross for our problems and sins! Jesus wanted them to see they would have to give up their desires for riches and glory and allow God to get all the glory. They would have to put down their desires and try to fulfil the wishes of their God!
When we go into the world to try and show people what our God is like, we have to be more like Jesus and less like mankind. We have to put aside our desires and lift up the will of God. We have to reach down and pick people up when they are low. We have to allow people to see how much God wants for them in their lives and less about how much we want!
Points to Ponder:
Do you like the sense of power in authority?
Will you give God the authority in your life?

Wednesday 26 May 2021

May 26: Psalm 104:19-24
Key Verse: Psalm 104:19
He made the moon to mark the seasons, and the sun knows when to go down.
I can remember talking about the sun coming up and going down as a youngster; yes, I know it is the earth which is spinning round and circling the sun... but that is not how we look at it when we are young. It takes time to learn how things work. Mankind took a while to realise the earth spins round an axis, which is not quite straight, wobbling as it spins, circling the sun as the moon circles the earth...
When we started out as Christians, we could not get our heads round what we know now. We did not know how much God loved us, or what Jesus did for us... yes, we had heard the words before we got to know Christ, but we did not believe those words in our hearts at first – that took time and learning...
If we look at nature, we can see so many things which we take for granted but still cannot explain properly. The animals don’t set up farms, buy houses and work to earn money to live off. They exist and they rely on someone else to give them the supplies they need. For our pets, that is us, but for the animals in the wild, that is God who supplies all their needs. When they are fed, they are happy and go about their beautiful lives; but when they get hungry, they can’t just ring up the supermarket and place an order – they have learned to wait on God for everything.
We need to realise just how much God looks out for us too, not just the animals out in the wild! We can and should depend on Him for more things in our lives. When we build up our little empires and safe places, they are fickle and temporary solutions. But God offers us a permanent solution to the needs in our lives – if we are willing to be more like the animals and trust in Him for more!
Points to Ponder:
How much do you trust God with in your life?
Are you willing to place a bit more trust in God today?

Tuesday 25 May 2021

May 25: John 15:26-27
Key Verse: John 15:27
And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning.
Before Jesus went to the cross, He tried to make sure the disciples were ready for what was to come. We cannot see the future and we have to work with the here and now, making decisions which will affect the future – which can seem daunting when we live each day as it happens. But God promised to help us by making sure we had a constant companion who would be able to guide us all the time.
Jesus tells the disciples here the Holy Spirit will come to be with them after He goes, not because Jesus was going to leave a ghost behind, but because God made the promise in the beginning, a promise to make sure we have someone with us at all times!
This does not mean we can leave it all to the Holy Spirit; after all it is the Holy Spirit who explains God to people, from the inside out. Jesus warned the disciples they would have to knuckle down and be like the Holy Spirit, testifying to others. This means stopping and talking to people, allowing them to see what it means to live as a Christian... not some person who thinks they are more righteous than others, but someone who is willing to show others a God who cares for them from the inside out!
We have a task ahead of us, one which God has entrusted us with, just as Jesus told the disciples, so to is He telling us to be faithful witnesses for Him. Sometimes this may seem like being out of your comfort zone, but why not start to look at it as a opportunity each time. Not an opportunity to push the bible down someone’s throat, but a chance to ask if you can do something for them. Why not ask them if you can pray for them, or just help them do what they are doing...
Points to Ponder:
Do you worry you cannot tell people about God effectively?
Why not show them a bit how Jesus lived?