Wednesday 12 May 2021

May 12: Colossians 1:9-14
Key Verse: Colossian 1:9
For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives
One thing I learned while driving to and from work every day was to mind my time by praying for people and things... Not because I was tired or had nothing to do, but because the more I was able to pray, the more I saw differences in my life and the world around me!
Paul continued to pray for so many people whom he had got to know by visiting so many places around the Mediterranean! I marvel at the number of names he was able to remember – because I am so bad at remembering names! We see the writings not as a reminder for himself, but as a result of what he was doing. We need to emulate his example; we need to do a whole lot more praying for people around us all the time. When you are walking to work, driving to work, whatever you are doing (but don’t drive with your eyes closed!)
God wants us to know He answers prayers. If we pray once in a blue moon, we get to see the results of answered prayer once in a blue moon! But if we are going to pray every day, we are going to see the results of those prayers every day – we will not have to wait ages before we are encouraged by what God does in our lives!
But don’t stop there! Don’t shoot your prayers up to God and sit and wait... you’ll be waiting most of the time and not praying! God wants to be in constant communion with Him, which means praying all the time and not just once a day or week or even year! Don’t limit your prayers to what you need or want; start thinking about the needs of others before you pray and see how much more productive your prayers will be. This forms the essence of what Jesus was teaching the disciples – to love one another; I.e. pray for one another all the time!
Points to Ponder:
How often do you pray?
Will you try filling in your time with prayers instead of TV?

Tuesday 11 May 2021

May 11: Philippians 2:25-30
Key Verse: Philippians 2:27
Indeed he was ill, and almost died. But God had mercy on him, and not on him only but also on me, to spare me sorrow upon sorrow.
I think I can relate to this story about Epaphroditus! When my partner and I went to London, it was to get involved with mission work Locally on disadvantaged estates. We were very sure this is what God wanted us to do through hearing from God and through prophecy too. When we arrived in London, we were not able to live on the estate we were serving and continued to pray God would open up a place for us on the estate. Pretty soon a house became available, and we moved onto the estate.
But, after a few years work, I fell gravely ill with necrotising pancreatitis followed by many complications! Being away from family was one of the hardest things I had to endure, and no sooner had I started to get better and my Dad’s health degraded to the state where the doctors could do no more for him. Then Covid arrived and we were not allowed to see him. Being away from friends and family at times like this is extremely difficult and something I would not wish on anyone!
But throughout my time in hospital and recovering at home, I knew God was with me and wanted me to recover! The best doctors were where they needed to be to make sure I survived a few close calls where my partner was called in in case I did not make it. God was with us and looking after us in ways we only begin to understand now. What happened when my Dad went to be with Jesus also cemented our belief God was watching every step!
I am now back, close to family and friends – though we made many new and exceptional friends in London as we worked for God. Friends stay with you no matter where you are in the world, but sometimes, you have to be close to family because distance and health difficulties do make you very weary. Always look to God for your guidance and obey when He calls you to do His work – He will look after you even in the more dire times!
Points to Ponder:
Do you fear having to leave friends and family?
Will you obey Christ and allow Him to look after you?

Monday 10 May 2021

May 10: Philippians 2:12-13
Key Verse: Philippians 2:13
for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfil his good purpose.
Sometimes when you are going through the bible a verse will stand out and shout at you! I have been watching all manner of things on YouTube and stumbled upon a family who have been creating music videos whilst they have been in lockdown and just listening to them prompted me to find something which was suitable from the bible!
This family put so much love and joy into their time together as they sing and play music together and it got me thinking... What if your life was all recorder on something like YouTube? How would you feel if anyone around the world was allowed to watch whatever was going on in your life at any time!
When I read these verses, they shouted out loud! Far too often in our lives we put on a stage show for others to see so they will think good of us! But behind the scenes we may well be doing all sorts of strange things. What we need to remember is that when God said He would be with us at all times, it was a promise! He has a permanent YouTube channel directly to our inner lives!
Just as the Apostle writes to his friends in the church saying they have always been amazing while he was with them, he reminds them they should be continuing to behave like that at all times because God is with them! God wants to be in our lives celebrating love and joy at all times – so inviting Him into our lives is an open invitation to bring His love and Joy into our lives permanently!
Points to Ponder:
How do you behave in church?
How do you behave at home?

Sunday 9 May 2021

May 9: Philippians 1:15-18
Key Verse: Philippians 1:18
But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice.
What kind of preaching gets to you most? Is it the person who quietly sits down with you and explains the gospel, or someone who stands up on a stage and shouts out to everyone? We all have our differences and we all like different things too – but the gospel is the gospel no matter how it is preached...
I have been to very big festivals where preachers have got up on stage and talked up a storm and I have been to very small churches where the preachers have dug deep into God’s word in great details. I love both! I even like the cases where the person tells their own form of parables, using new world examples and life choices to get over the gospel as we live in it nowadays.
It is not our task to judge which preachers are the best because of how they deliver the word. It is our task to listen to and meditate on that word. God supports all styles of preacher who are willing to step forward and explain the gospel to anyone who is willing to listen. God does not choose one over the other because there is room for all kinds of preachers, teachers, pastors, vicars and the like!
The heart of the person delivering the message may well be different to our heart; they may well live a very different life to us, but as long as God is using them to reach out to someone, then they have a place in delivering the gospel just as any other preachers or teacher. Take the truth from anyone who is willing to give you the truth and try to understand how they are living their own lives...
Points to Ponder:
Do you seek the most evangelical of preacher?
How about listening to the most sincere of teacher - God?