Wednesday 14 Apr 2021

April 14: Romans 1:14-17
Key Verse: Romans 1:16
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.
Ok, so now we know God wants us to go out and tell people the truth about Jesus and to help others to get to know Him better, what are we going to do about it? How many of you slipped lower into your seats as you read that line? Many of us are certainly not ready to tell the world about Jesus because we are not all disposed to being some sort of evangelist!
Paul had no issues with going out to tell others about Jesus because He knew that is what Jesus had told him to do – to go out and tell others about Jesus, not just the Jews. Each one of us are given someone to tell about Jesus – whether it is standing up in front of some people and talking about what you know about Jesus, or whether it is simply sitting and talking to a single friend... we have our tasks to do.
Paul knew he had to go out to all the people where he was before going on a round trip of the Mediterranean! He knew God was calling him to spread the Good News to many more people who had not been focused on by the disciples. The disciples themselves had been given the difficult task of talking to the Jews to try and bring them round to knowing the full truth about Jesus.
Paul had a fairly clean sheet of going out to other people to tell them of all the things which had been happening over the past few years in and around Jerusalem. There were many witnesses to what Jesus did and a whole lot of opposition from the Jews... But, the Gentiles, on the other hand did not have these pre-conceived ideas and they could listen to this fresh Good News and be encouraged by it. It’s always easier to learn from the mistakes of others rather than your own mistakes!
Points to Ponder:
Are you ready to talk to someone about Jesus?
How about just telling someone why you love Jesus?

Tuesday 13 Apr 2021

April 13: Acts 7:39-41
Key Verse: Acts 7:40
They told Aaron, “Make us gods who will go before us. As for this fellow Moses who led us out of Egypt – we don’t know what has happened to him!”
When Stephen was pulled up in front of the Sanhedrin, it was because some thought he was taking away from the words they had learned all their lives. They had the written words of Moses which had been passed down over centuries, and they were not going to let them get changed by any man.
What Stephen reminded them of was their own history and how mankind had continued to want to live according to their own rules rather than by being guided by God. He reminded them of the time Moses was at the top of the mountain with God and how the people lost faith and patience in waiting. They wanted a god they could see which could lead them to their new home – so they assumed the only way would be to build their own!
It may sound silly when we look at it afterward, but this is the type of thing we continue to get involved with every day in our modern lives. We like to get technology and use it to produce something special (or at least that is what we look at it as being) which can be used to promote God and spread the word. Yes, it is helpful to have aids which help us to see and remember God, but nothing should ever replace God!
This is the mistake they made – they wanted something to replace the unseen God! That is taking God completely out of the equation and saying we have no faith in Him. So, instead of trying to make something to follow, let's use technology to highlight where God is and to allow people to follow God and not technology itself.
Points to Ponder:
Do you like old fashioned churched or new churches?
Where is God in your church?

Monday 12 Apr 2021

April 12: Acts 6:1-7
Key Verse: Acts 6:3
Brothers and sisters, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them
I think one of the most important things in ministry is to not try and do everything yourself. The temptation is always there to go and do things yourself because it is easier to just do something rather than teach someone else – and you know you can do it better... Well, how is anyone else going to grow in Christ if you are taking things away from them all the time?
The disciples faced this as their numbers grew, and more people wanted to focus on spreading the gospel... It appears the work which was being carried out previously dwindled as people wanted to do different things... This is always a problem as the church grows, because everyone is tempted to seek the top positions, the positions where they seem to get the greatest glory for themselves... Yes, that is a big problem in modern churches, but seems like it has always been a problem!
God has given each of us different skills and attributes which He knows we are going to excel with. If we are willing to use those skills instead of focusing on skills which get all the glory, the whole church will be better off! We are working as a team of people trying to spread the gospel. But, just because we are trying to spread the gospel, does not mean we can ignore the people who need help and support. It does not mean we can ignore the hard work which goes on behind the scenes and gets no glory...
God wants us to be willing to trust Him and live according to His will. This is going to be the best outlook for the church as a whole – if we are willing to trust and obey our God!
Points to Ponder:
What do you do in church?
Are you neglecting the less glamorous jobs?

Sunday 11 Apr 2021

April 11: Acts 4:32-35
Key Verse: Acts 4:32
All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.
As our country continues to mourn the passing of our Queen’s Husband, His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, we can take away the great support his role within the Royal Family played. A role which not just defined him as a man but defined how one person can do so much from a position of support. No greater role model of support has this country had than His Royal Highness The Prince Philip.
As the disciples and followers of Jesus grew in faith and in number in the early days after Jesus’ resurrection, they too learned they could do so much in their roles as humble servants of Christ. They set aside their differences and lived as a common people, all serving Christ and sharing the gospel. Through this new-found strength of working as humble people, they expanded in numbers and no person was left in need amongst them.
As God’s children, we all need to take account of the things we have in our lives and how we can use our qualities to the betterment of others. It is not our task to do all we can to become “top dog” in society or wealth, but our task to look out for God’s children in all ways we can. The more we live as one people, the more we will be able to achieve.
Yes, we do need people who are in charge, people who stand up for we are, people who are ambassadors, but we also need to remember we are one people under God. I salute the Queen and Price Philip for all they did to ensure we remember we live under one God, no matter our stature in life.
Points to Ponder:
Are you a willing and humble servant?
Lord, please take great care of our Queen and her family.