Tuesday 16 Mar 2021

March 16: John 5:16-18
Key Verse: John 5:17
In his defence Jesus said to them, ‘My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.’
Do you work for a church? Have you noticed Sunday is actually a very busy day for you! So what about God’s instruction to not do any work on the Sabbath? Well, we could go into all manner of arguments about what day the Sabbath is or what is recognised by your particular church, but the fact remains, God says we should take a day off every week – and this goes back to the beginning of time when God created everything!
Jesus stepping into this argument to try and stop people from making this law such a big deal because they were forgetting about “the main thing!” We worship God. If we start making all manner of rules take us away from worshipping God, then we are forgetting about the main thing! Not doing something because it goes against a law which is being upheld by mankind may well be taking us away from the main thing!
Jesus reminds us God is always working. God does not take the day off because He is getting tired or is over-worked. He took the day off in the beginning as an example to us. As humans we do need to take time out and rest; that’s why we sleep every night! We are not gods!
I am currently working for a couple of churches every Sunday, one I get to go in and do the audio-visual side of the service, and the other I do completely remotely as I set up the videos on YouTube while they are in lock-down. I also have a ‘normal’ job which I work during the week... but I do make sure I take time for myself and time for God too. My weeks are variable to try and fit in to other’s requirements; but I always make time for God.
Points to Ponder:
How much time do you set aside for work every week?
How much time do you set aside for God every week?

Monday 15 Mar 2021

March 15: Psalm 30:1-5
Key Verse: Psalm 30:5
For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favour lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.
I love verse 5... How many times do you get angry at someone for doing something wrong and how long do you stay angry with them? Are you still angry inside when they come to you to ask for forgiveness? It is hard for us to sweep aside our anger and to forgive someone totally, but this is what Christ is asking of us for His people!
We are His people and He is asking us to forgive and forget. Think about a time when you have done something wrong and have had to ask someone to forgive you. What did it feel like when they were able to forgive you and you felt that weight being lifted off your shoulders?
We may think we have done something so bad it will take God a long time to forgive us – maybe we have done something wrong against Him and we knew we were doing it wrong at the time... But, because Jesus was willing to give His life as a perfect sacrifice for us, when we ask Christ to forgive us, God sees us as perfect once again – because Jesus is perfect!
So, now is the time to lift up your voices and praise God for all He is doing in your life. Not just the big things we ask for, but the little things like the comfort He brings when we feel down. Lift up your burdens to Christ and allow Him to carry them away from your shoulders giving you the peace and rest He has promised to give you.
Points to Ponder:
Have you asked Christ to forgive you?
Will you extend your mercy to others?

Sunday 14 Mar 2021

March 14: Numbers 21:4-9
Key Verse: Numbers 21:9
So Moses made a bronze snake and put it up on a pole. Then when anyone was bitten by a snake and looked at the bronze snake, they lived.
How long before you start complaining about what God is NOT doing for you? We live in a world which is driven by people demanding more for less, and nothing much has changed since the beginning of our time on earth. We continue to want bargains but never want to be the ones who have to shell out in some way to make sure these bargains can be made available.
Back when Moses was trying to lead the people through the desert, they became restless and began to want more from God. We may look back on it and say “how dare they demand more from God”, but we are just as guilty as them nowadays. We have been given so much from God and yet we want more and start complaining when we don’t get it quick enough!
This is what the people were doing – complaining because things were not going according to how they wanted! They wanted God to change up the timetable and make them more comfortable again. Instead, God allowed them to remember just how much He was doing for them. Never mind the fact they had been allowed to escape from slavery and they had made it out of the clutches of a great army...
Stop and think about what God has already done for you and give Him thanks for everything He continues to do. You will be surprised to find out how much God continues to do for you every day and how much we have to praise Him for! Don’t give in to greed and impatience; step back and allow God to show you what to do next and obey!
Points to Ponder:
How often do you complain about things?
Are you still complaining even though God just wants you to look up?

Saturday 13 Mar 2021

March 13: Luke 18:9-14
Key Verse: Luke 18:13
But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, “God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”
This is one of those parables which sums up Jesus to me, one I should want to live my life by, one a do strive to live close to. I know I am not worthy of all Christ does for me, but I do know he does so much for me all the time and I praise Him for this! Jesus looks at the heart of the person and not what the world will see or what the world proclaims about the person!
I do wonder what I would be like if I had continued to strive for all the earthly things I once strived for. I do wonder how far I would have gone away from God as I tried to embrace more of the world and more of the wealth I though was important at the time. But then I also look back at what has happened in my past and I realise a lot of it happened that way so I could learn what is like to be both rich and poor, careless and careful, dishonest and honest. God was allowing me to grow into the person I thank Him for today!
Despite people telling me I should be doing more, investing, and all the trapping of this modern world, I continue to set time aside every day to draw closer to God and to find out what it is He wants me to learn about today. As we move slowly out of lockdown and move forward with hope these vaccines are giving us in the fight against this virus, I thank God He has managed to keep me safe and prepare me for what comes now.
I know my past and I admit to the things I have done wrong – I can’t hide that. I know I still have issues and I still grow weary in my walk with Christ – but I do strive to move forward and to try and draw closer to Him each day... just by spending time with Him and being reminded of my path I chose in life. Be thankful for each day God gives you and move a little closer to Him instead of trying to impress the world!
Points to Ponder:
What do you think your strengths are?
What do you admit as your weaknesses to God?